During the course of your college life there may have been several instances where you may have become short on cash or you may have realized that your student loans don’t cover all the necessities. Therefore, instead of hassling your parents at these instances you may have begun to scope the ‘Student Job’ flyers located at your Student Union Board. But even though you may have been amazed at the range of opportunities available to you as a student you may still be baffled about how to select the perfect job. Thus, in this article we would give you some tips to select the perfect part-time job based on your skills, interest and experience.
If you have previous driving experience and don’t mind staying on the road for long hours you can opt to join an removals Eastern Suburbs Sydney company or apply to be a truck driver. Moreover, if you have delivery experience, you can join a courier service or even a restaurant as a delivery driver. Aside from the flexible hours as these are customer service jobs there is always the possibility of earning tips if you deliver on time and with a smile on your face.
Heavy Lifting Jobs
If you possess the body strength and the stamina to load and unload furniture or other heavy equipment then you should consider applying to a removals service. Beside the flexible hours you won’t always be stuck with removing heavy equipment. However, one should be prepared to work on the weekends as this is when all the big moves happen. Furthermore, one should also possess the patience to deal with demanding and rude customers as relocation is a stressful time in everyone’s life. Moreover, you can also apply as a storekeeper because this also requires a certain amount of heavy lifting as you may be required to move bulky objects. However, one may require a certain amount of experience in order to apply for such a job. See this page for further information regarding removalist.
Waiting Staff/Bartending
If you are an individual who has the patience to deal with not so pleasant customers with a smile on your face and if you have the capacity to stay on your feet for long shifts, then this may be an ideal job for you. Furthermore, these service jobs constitute as the perfect part-time job due to the flexible hours, sociable environment and the possibility of earning good tips from customers. We understand how stressful university life is. For the first time in your life you would be living away from home and you would also be in charge of balancing a limited budget. Thus, with this guide you may be able to obtain a part-time job to reduce some of that stress.